Introduction to Ayurveda (@ Conscious Nectar)
4:00 PM16:00

Introduction to Ayurveda (@ Conscious Nectar)

Ayurveda is an ancient healing practice originating in India over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda translates to "the knowledge of life" and can also be interpreted as "the science of self-healing". This means Ayurveda sees your health and healing as ultimately in your hands. Learn the basics of Ayurveda and discover how to bring this practice into your daily life.

Learn the Basic Ayurvedic Principles with Madeline Armstrong:

What Ayurveda is

  • 20 Qualities, 5 Elements & 3 Doshas

  • Unfolding of disease in the body

  • Seasonal balancing practices

  • Guidelines for healthy eating

  • Ayurvedic herbs and spices

  • Ayurvedic recipes & home remedies

  • Determine your own Dosha!


  • Sip some warm local tea

  • Sample herbs

  • Take and herb quiz & win prices!

FREE | All are Welcome!

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Introduction to TRE (@ Yoga Samadhi)
11:00 AM11:00

Introduction to TRE (@ Yoga Samadhi)

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. Dr. David Berceli developed TRE in the late 1980s while researching how trauma occurs in the human organism. Regardless of how trauma is experiences, trauma expresses itself in the body. Those experiences are stored in the body until they find a way to be released. Most exercises are designed to release surface level tension. TRE, although simple and painless, are specifically designed to release the deep chronic muscular contractions created by trauma. TRE employs the natural mechanisms of the body to dissolve chronic tension.

Join us for an informational and practice session to learn more about TRE. Taught by Stephenie Going

Cost $30

This class will be at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon, WA

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Spring Ayurvedic Cleanse & Renew (@ Conscious Nectar)
to May 2

Spring Ayurvedic Cleanse & Renew (@ Conscious Nectar)

Join Madeline Armstrong and Stephenie Going for an immersive and transformative experience, with a total reset this spring. This guided Spring Ayurvedic Cleanse & Renew Program is offered over 4 sessions in a supportive group format with individualized tips on purposeful self-care during the season. Cleansing is a preventative measure to ensure good health for the coming season. We offer supportive Ayurvedic education and assessment techniques as well as an integrative Yoga practice designed for the season.

  • Thursday, April 18 6:00 - 8:00 pm: Intro to Spring according to Ayurveda and Understanding Your Unique Constitution

  • Sunday, April 21 6:00 - 7:30 pm: Spring Foods/Tastes, Cleanse Process and Kitchari Group Meal

  • Sunday, April 28 Spring Yoga Class 2 Options: 11:00 - 12:30 pm @ Yoga Samadhi (White Salmon) or 6:00 - 7:30 pm: Spring Yoga Class @ Trinity Body Arts (Hood River)

  • Thursday, May 2 6:00 - 7:30 pm: Integration, Celebration and Support

Spring Ayurvedic Cleanse & Renew Kits are included to give you the tools necessary for a successful experience!

The cost for the program is $175.

This event is at our White Salmon location (Conscious Nectar, 181 W. Jewett Blvd., White Salmon, WA 98672)

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Enlightened Sleep | Yoga Nidra + Acupuncture
7:00 PM19:00

Enlightened Sleep | Yoga Nidra + Acupuncture

Friday, December 8th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm with Stephenie Going and Dave Martin

Join us at Trinity Body Arts on December 8th, for a special event that combines the ancient practices of yoga nidra and acupuncture. You'll experience a deep healing and relaxation as a result of these two complementary practices. Yoga nidra is a guided meditation that allows you to fall into a "yogic sleep," while acupuncture balances the mind, body, and spirit.

Cost $45

ACUPUNCTURE | Practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years, acupuncture is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture involves stimulating specific points along meridians to help provide relief from ailments that affect the body and mind. This medical practice brings balance to the autonomic nervous system and restores balance and regulation to the sense of inner disorganization created by chronic or acute mental and / or physical stress. Acupuncture has the ability to promote and restore the balance of energy which flows throughout the body. This flow of energy creates states of deep relaxation and aids the body in rejuvenation.

YOGA NIDRA | or yogic sleep, is an ancient practice that allows for deep relaxation between waking consciousness and dreaming consciousness. It is accomplished through specific techniques that allow the mind and body to reach a state of bliss. The practice moves through the layers of the subtle body (or the koshas) to achieve its goal of deep rest. The superconscious state of yoga nidra helps us to heal and reintegrate these layers as they become displaced by the traumas we experience in our lives.

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Herbal Infusions Holiday Gift Making Workshop | Tea & Masala Blends
5:00 PM17:00

Herbal Infusions Holiday Gift Making Workshop | Tea & Masala Blends

Join us for a hands-on Herbal Holiday Gift Making workshop where you will discover the art of crafting unique, heartwarming, and healthful presents for your loved ones. In this festive workshop, you will explore a variety of herbs, spices, and natural ingredients to create herbal tea and masala blends. Experience the art of East Asian herbalism come to life in our hands-on workshop, where you'll learn to harmonize flavors, harness the power of healing spices, and create nourishing dishes guided by ancient wisdom.

Each crafter will have an opportunity to:

  • Understand how to create personalized herbal gifts designed to bring balance

  • Learn about the different tastes and properties of herbs and spices according to Ayurveda

  • Create 2 - 3 herbal infusion gifts for loved ones (or yourself!)

  • Leave with the knowledge to incorporate practical healing practices with spices and herbs.

Ayurvedic small bites included. Limited number of seats.

Cost: $80

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TRE | Tension & Trauma Releasing Introductory Group Session
6:00 PM18:00

TRE | Tension & Trauma Releasing Introductory Group Session

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. Dr. David Berceli developed TRE in the late 1980s while researching how trauma occurs in the human organism. Regardless of how trauma is experiences, trauma expresses itself in the body. Those experiences are stored in the body until they find a way to be released. Most exercises are designed to release surface level tension. TRE, although simple and painless, are specifically designed to release the deep chronic muscular contractions created by trauma. TRE employs the natural mechanisms of the body to dissolve chronic tension.

Join us for an informational and practice session to learn more about TRE.

Cost $30

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Thrive Wellness Retreat
to Jun 11

Thrive Wellness Retreat

A Wellness Retreat to Celebrate Transitions

Bringing together experts in the field of western and eastern medicine addressing the ways to rejuvenate and renew during perimenopause and menopause. This retreat is designed to empower and support you through the changes of life with grace and knowledge. Our focus is on well-being, transformation and connection.

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Amrita Retreat | Nectar of the Knowing Heart
to May 1

Amrita Retreat | Nectar of the Knowing Heart

  • The Society Hotel Bingen (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ayurveda and yoga are both built on the foundations of attunement. Over this weekend, you’ll immerse yourself in the impeccable nature of the Columbia Gorge while deepening your capacity to attune, observe, relax, and nourish yourself with Ayurveda and yoga. This retreat will provide time for you to reset, re-harmonize, and return home with tangible ways to maintain peace in your life and openness in your heart.

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Dinacharya | Daily Routine for the Spring Season
2:00 PM14:00

Dinacharya | Daily Routine for the Spring Season

The tradition of dinacharya (daily routine) is one of the single most powerful Ayurvedic tools for improving overall health and well-being. Dinacharya helps to create balance during the changes in doshas (humors), which occur naturally throughout the cycles of the day and with each season. The concept of having a daily routine is at the heart of an Ayurvedic lifestyle. A daily routine invites health, vitality, and a sense of clarity into our lives. Adopting an appropriate daily routine is undoubtedly one of the most grounding and nurturing things you could do for yourself. The activities included in dinacharya include cleansing, massage, exercise, study, meditation and yoga. The morning Ayurvedic practices of dinacharya are intended to both calm and energize the body, preparing the practitioner for the day ahead. The evening ones are to help the practitioner relax before sleep. Although the dinacharya practices are thousands of years old, advocates of Ayurveda say they are as beneficial in the modern lifestyle as ever before.

Instructor Stephenie Going

Cost $45

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Ayurvedic Nutrition for the Winter Season
2:00 PM14:00

Ayurvedic Nutrition for the Winter Season

In this workshop, we'll explore Ayurveda's general recommendations for nutrition during the winter season. Each season ushers in a unique set of qualities that can either pacify or aggravate the inner workings of your being. By adapting your diet and lifestyle to better accommodate the changing seasons, you can drastically reduce the likelihood of any seasonally induced imbalances and the same strategies will gently coax your body back toward its natural state of equilibrium.

Together we will...
- Learn Ayurveda's core concepts about winter and nutrition.
- Discover how your unique constitution interacts with the season.
- Create herbal infusions to use at home in your own kitchen.
- Gather the tools and information to create a support system for empowerment of your own healthy practice.

“Our digestion fluctuates with changes in weather, season, and other needs. Energy is never static—it flows, ripples, and swirls in rhythms and cycles that we may perceive as harmonic or chaotic—but the constant movement of energy gravitates toward one universal state: balance. . . . Balance runs on two tracks—avoiding irritants and favoring the things that support your balance.”

- Divya Alter

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New Year Reset | 3-Day Kitchari Reset
to Jan 31

New Year Reset | 3-Day Kitchari Reset

After the holidays, do you ever feel that your body just needs a break? As if you want to hit the reset button on your digestive system?

Winter is a time when we have less digestive fire, or to put it another way less energy to spend digesting our food. However, it is also a time when we need deep nourishment, we need to nourish our bodies in the same way we are nourishing our internal desires and ambitions. It is time to focus on cooking and eating simple, nourishing and warming foods that are easy to digest and assimilate.

Join the New Year reset

3-Day Kitchari Cleanse

Doing a gentle cleanse which does not stress the body is a wonderful way to re-energize and to boost immunity, especially as we head into cold and flu season. If you find yourself feeling sluggish or not your best, it is the perfect time to offer your body a reset.

Ayurveda offers a unique and simple way of supporting the body with kitchari, an Indian dish of split mung beans and basmati rice traditionally prepared with ghee, digestive spices and freshly cooked vegetables. This combination is light and very easily digested but also very nourishing. Eating kitchari helps give your digestive system the chance to scrub out toxins which can prevent the immune system from functioning optimally.

What is Kitchari?

Kitchari is the balancing staple food of Ayurveda. This combination of split mung beans and white basmati rice along with plenty of spices, provides all the amino acids needed to form a complete protein. Kitchari is known to be gentle on the digestive organs and both cleanses and nourishes the body, without supporting imbalance of any kind. Kitchari heals and soothes the intestinal wall. Stress can often irritate the gut and compromise digestion, which can clog the body of toxins from indigestion. A kitchari cleanse allows much of the digestion to be at rest while providing the nutrition needed to heal the gut and nourish the body. The protein content of kitchari supports stable blood sugar levels so that energy and mental clarity are balanced during the cleansing process making this an ideal food for all dosha constitutions.

What to expect?

This three-day cleanse is extremely gentle and generally safe for a diverse range of constitutions and imbalances. The practice of cleansing is considered a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle. It provides an important means of clearing accumulated waste and toxicity from the mind and the tissues, encouraging optimal health.

A simple three-day cleanse can help:

  • Improve digestion and metabolic function.

  • Promote regular and balanced elimination.

  • Support the maintenance of a healthy body weight.

  • Nurture an improved sense of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life.

  • Foster clarity and groundedness in the mental, spiritual, and emotional spheres.

  • Encourage a balanced sleep cycle.

  • Promote improved overall health.

The New Year Reset Cleanse includes:

  • a before, during, and after guide to help support your on your cleanse

  • a Kitchari and Tea Bundle enough for 3 days or more

  • seasonal food and lifestyle suggestions for winter (including alternative recipes)

Kitchari Bundles will be available to pick up starting January 10th. You can start your cleanse at any time! Plan for a 9-day period to complete the preparation, active, and reintroduction phases of the reset cleanse. For more information or to plan your pick up, you can also email us at

Join The Reset by clicking here

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TRE | Tension & Trauma Releasing Introductory Group Session
10:00 AM10:00

TRE | Tension & Trauma Releasing Introductory Group Session

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. Dr. David Berceli developed TRE in the late 1980s while researching how trauma occurs in the human organism. Regardless of how trauma is experiences, trauma expresses itself in the body. Those experiences are stored in the body until they find a way to be released. Most exercises are designed to release surface level tension. TRE, although simple and painless, are specifically designed to release the deep chronic muscular contractions created by trauma. TRE employs the natural mechanisms of the body to dissolve chronic tension.

Join us for an informational and practice session to learn more about TRE.

Cost $30

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TRE | Tension & Trauma Releasing Introductory Group Session
6:00 PM18:00

TRE | Tension & Trauma Releasing Introductory Group Session

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. Dr. David Berceli developed TRE in the late 1980s while researching how trauma occurs in the human organism. Regardless of how trauma is experiences, trauma expresses itself in the body. Those experiences are stored in the body until they find a way to be released. Most exercises are designed to release surface level tension. TRE, although simple and painless, are specifically designed to release the deep chronic muscular contractions created by trauma. TRE employs the natural mechanisms of the body to dissolve chronic tension.

Join us for an informational and practice session to learn more about TRE.

Cost $30

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TRE | Tension & Trauma Releasing Introductory Group Session
10:00 AM10:00

TRE | Tension & Trauma Releasing Introductory Group Session

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. Dr. David Berceli developed TRE in the late 1980s while researching how trauma occurs in the human organism. Regardless of how trauma is experiences, trauma expresses itself in the body. Those experiences are stored in the body until they find a way to be released. Most exercises are designed to release surface level tension. TRE, although simple and painless, are specifically designed to release the deep chronic muscular contractions created by trauma. TRE employs the natural mechanisms of the body to dissolve chronic tension.

Join us for an informational and practice session to learn more about TRE.

Cost $30

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TRE | Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises
6:00 PM18:00

TRE | Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. Dr. David Berceli developed TRE in the late 1980s while researching how trauma occurs in the human organism. Regardless of how trauma is experiences, trauma expresses itself in the body. Those experiences are stored in the body until they find a way to be released. Most exercises are designed to release surface level tension. TRE, although simple and painless, are specifically designed to release the deep chronic muscular contractions created by trauma. TRE employs the natural mechanisms of the body to dissolve chronic tension.

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